The guidelines on internationalization strategies in higher education institutions

Thursday 14 October 2021

A new outcome of the DHIP project has been published: the guidelines on internationalization strategies in higher education institutions. The guidelines come out with the collaboration of all the consortium partners to share the project's methodology, tools and results, making the assets available for other institutions in Latin America and beyond. The volume builds on the Internationalization Enhancement Plan, a flexible tool developed at the beginning of the project, tailored on each university needs, for planning internationalization strategies.

Starting from the IEP strategic plans, the Latin American universities involved in the project have implemented some practices, reported as examples, in the first and most substantial part of the guidelines. The principles have been developed from the examples in relation to internationalization, in a process of abstraction and generalization that aims at making the guidelines as reusable as possible.

 Consistent with the purpose of the DHIP project, namely to develop and integrate the internationalization dimension into the general strategic policies of universities, the chapters in the first part focus on topics such as the organization or reorganization of the services provided by the international offices and the related processes, the development of useful transversal skills for enhancing internationalization, as well as the role of  an effective communication and networking potential, never  forgetting how crucial they to foster an international socio-cultural environment.

The main topic in the second part is the implementation of the CLAR system. It is an opportunity to take stock of the state of the art of the credit system in the current debate, reaffirming its importance in supporting the internationalization of the curriculum. The free-download Guidelines are available both in English and Spanish.


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